About Me

This is the part where I tell you how I was born to cook, how I love scrounging through farmers markets, buying only organic or local produce.  It's the part where you realize that I am amazing and interesting and you wish that you were as thoughtful, mature and insightful as me.  This is the part where I lay out who I am and you find yourself impressed by the places I've been and the things I've seen. 

Unfortunately for you (and perhaps me) this is not that place.  I like to eat.  I really like to eat things I cook.  I like to experiment with my cooking, try challenging recipes.  I do this not for pretentious reasons, but because I find there is a sense of accomplishment when I can do it right.  I like cooking for other people, in part because I enjoy entertaining, but really I just like being told I'm a good cook.  Everyone needs a little validation right?

So here's what you will find here; I will cook things, they will be delicious.  You will wish I had invited you over for dinner.  I will write about it.  You will be entertained, this part is not an option, you will be entertained.

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